Sunday, December 16, 2012

Galactic Merger

Given the chance to travel forward far into earth's future, the sky you would gaze upon would be hardly recognizable relative to what you know now. The surreal image before you is a very real conception of our night sky in about 3.75 billion years.  After doing numerous calculations via super computer and observing the path of the Andromeda Galaxy for several years, scientists have concluded that our Galaxy is on a collision course with our closest neighbor of the Galaxy kind; Andromeda or M31. The epic merger of galaxies will take an additional 2 billion years from this projected view point to fully combine and take on the shape of an elliptical galaxy. As you can see from the images below, Earth's sky will be painted with a plethora of cosmic debris throughout the duration of the ensuing merger. Once the transformation is complete, the denser galactic bulge will nearly banish the  rest of the universe from piercing through. 

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