Sunday, December 9, 2012

Universe Plural?

According to the mathematics derived from String Theory, the Universe we live in could be apart of an infinite expanse of a ‘swiss cheese' reality. This would result in a finite number of arrangements that all the particles in our universe can be positioned (10^10^122 alternations).Inevitably, forms will begin to repeat themselves. Let’s attempt to put this in a perspective relative to us. Assuming the theory is correct, this implies that there are an infinite amount of ‘you’ in existence. Variations would range from  moderate to severe. These ‘copies’ may be making slightly to radically different decisions therefore, every decision you’ve ever made may have been approached differently in every possible way by infinite forms of yourself. As you are reading this, they could doing the same but maybe a few have grown weary of the subject and moved on to something else. Perhaps others have come to a forcible halt due to an astroid impact ending the world as they/you know it. Literally, every single possibility could be happening to some form of you. 
Now earlier I mentioned that we may be living in a swiss cheese reality; this is merely a metaphor (obviously.. right?). The theory postulates that a Higgs field enshrouds the entirety of the multiverse with the higher density areas being the ‘cheese’ and the lower density areas being Universe's or ‘air pockets’. This qualitative view may seem wildly impossible but highly technical mathematics recently provided the insight and scientists may soon have a way to provide some hard evidence. In order to acquire this proof, the Large Hadron Collider (where the Higgs Boson or God Particle was essentially proven to exist) in Geneva will need to hurl particles at incredible speeds to create debris from colliding into one another. If energy is lost in the process, this will indicate that this energy must have been pushed into a neighboring universe via extra dimensional pathways of some sort. So what do you think? Are we living in a universe among many universes or is the notion far too impractical to even consider? 

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